Kocková dáma |
Cubic checkers is a game for two players. The game is played with eight white and eight black cubes on a checkerboard of 8 x 8 squares. Sides of a cube contain symbols rook, bishop, knight and pawn. The symbol on the top side of a cube determines its power, it is not its mobility.
Every cube can move along diagonals over any number of squares, forward or backward.
While a player has not move its rook, she or he cannot jump across opponet's cubes. Then jumping is obligatory.
If the way of a player's cube is blocked by an opponet's cube and the player can jump, he jumps across this opponent's cube to any empty square behind it. The cube that was jumped across is rotated so that it changes its value as follows: a rook is changed into a bishop, a bishop is changed into a knight, a knight is changed into a pawn and pawn is removed from the board. If the cube, which jumps in this move, can still jump across another opponet's cube, it must jump across it too. None cube can be jumped acrros more than one time during one move to avoid cycling.
If a player has more than one possibility of jump, he must choose a move with maximal number of opponet's cubes jumped across.
If a move of a cube is completed, the cube is turned through 90 degrees along the vertical axis to a laying position. It means the cube is pausing and it cannot move in next move. A cube which paused in previous move is turned back to active position.
The winner is a player whose opponent has only three cubes on the board. The game is draw if both players have made consecutively ten moves without jumping across any cube.