School Tycoon
Catdaddy Games has released a playable demo of School Tycoon, allowing you to try out this upcoming simulation strategy game that presents kids with the ultimate fantasy - the opportunity to rule their own school.
Massive Assault
Wargaming.net and Matrix Games have released the promised demo of Massive Assault, allowing you to try out this recent 3D global domination strategy game. The demo offers 5 training missions, 3 scenarios, 4 epic replays and the 'World War' mode on one Planet
Encore and JoWooD have now released the playable demo of SpellForce: The Order of Dawn, allowing you to try out this RTS/RPG developed by Phenomic. The demo includes a tutorial, one single player map (Rift), and a two-player multiplayer map (Ashvale).
Breed SP demo
CDV has released single-player demo for Breed their upcoming 3D sci-fi action game.
Airport Tycoon 3
Global Star Software has released a playable demo of Airport Tycoon 3, giving you the opportunity to try out this recent airport management strategy game.
Battle Mages
Buka has released a playable demo for Battle Mages, allowing you to try out this 3D fantasy RTS/RPG.
Joan of Arc
Enlight has released a playable demo of Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc, allowing you to try out this upcoming 3D action/strategy title developed and led by Trevor Chan's creative. The demo offers a tutorial ('The Arrival at Orleans') and one playable mission.
I of the Enemy
Californian developer Enemy Technology has released a playable demo of I of the Enemy, allowing you to try out this upcoming sci-fi RTS. The demo offers the first 3 missions from the first campaign.
Against Rome
JoWooD has released a playable demo for Against Rome, allowing you to try out this historical RTS by Independent Arts. The demo offers one mission from the Kelts campaign.
Lords of EverQuest SP demo
Last demo for the Lords of EverQuest, upcoming fantasy realtime startegy game. Demo offers a tutorial and mission from the Dawn Brotherhood campaign.
Combat Mission Afrika Korps
Battlefront has released a playable demo for Combat Mission: Afrika Korps, upcoming hybrid turn-based/realtime 3D WWII tactical combat simulation.
Virtual Skipper 3
Playable demo of Virtual Skipper 3 is now available for download, allowing you to try out this imminent sailing sim by Nadeo. The demo features one race (Wight Island, England), playable in single or multiplayer mode.
Worms 3D #2 demo
Second playable demo for Worms 3D, giving you another opportunity to try out this imminent 3D turn-based arcade game by Team 17. This new demo offers two completely new maps, 12 weapons, and lets you play against the computer or against another opponent.
Railroad Pioneer
JoWood has released a demo for KritzelKratz 3000's 3D management/strategy game Railroad Pioneer. This demo features a tutorial and one mission Pennsylvania.
Age of Mythology: The Titans
Microsoft has released new demo of their just released Age of Mythology: The Titans Expansion.