Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs
Telltale Inc. has announced that Chariots of the Dogs, the latest episode in the Sam & Max series.
That Night Before Act 4
Your quest is almost done. If you want to know how will this adventure ends, come in!
That Night Before Act 3
3rd part of funny adventure is here, but its still not over.
That Night Before Act 2
Second part of episodic adventure from Scurvyliver Entertainment. You can continue your quest from past now.
That Night Before Act 1
First part of adventure serie. The game developed by Scurvyliver Entertainment, which is understandable due to the episodic format employed.
Mortia is a ghoul from the world of undead and one day she won goldfish on a carnival. What will she do with fish and what does it means "alive"?
Jack Keane
10TACLE STUDIOS AG has released a new demo of Jack Keane, this time giving you the chance to try out the English version of this upcoming adventure game.
Penumbra: Black Plague
Demo of Penumbra: Black Plague upcoming dark adventure game.
Speculum Mortis
You need to resolve problem with ghost in old residence. It is a horror-styled point-and-click adventure.
Agatha Christie: Evil Under Sun
Demo of detective game Agatha Christie: Evil Under Sun.
The Winter Rose
Hand painted adventure game. You are Rose, a young archer on a quest to save her father and rid the land of the evil ice-dragon.
An adventure game. You play the role of a detective called to an asylum becouse the chief doctor has been brutally murdered.
Dr. Lutz and the Time Travel Machine
Dr. Abraham Lutz want to prove his own theories about why dinosaurs vanished from Earth . Seems the only way to do that is going to the Jurassic period by using a time machine.
The Family Treasure
An adventure game that uses a point-and-click interface made popular by classic Lucasart titles. Graphics are pretty good for an amateur effort, and the music fits quite well.