X-ISLE: Dinosaurs Island TechDemo |
added 3.6.2001 o 22:44
X-ISLE: Dinosaur Island will be released as a High-Tech edutainment Title. It features a cutting-edge 3D Engine which is beyond the state of the art. The CryENGINE features vast landscapes, indoor and outdoor areas at never achieved framerates and poly-throughput.
Geforce 3-only features:
- Texture Shaders using for water-rippling, bump-mapping, sun-reflection
- Environmental Bump-Mapping on Sun-Reflection
- High Polygon vertex-programm skinned T-Rex (25.000 Polygons)
General Cool Feature:
- High Polygonal Vegetation Models
- 3D Grass
- Huge and Dense Terrain !
Geforce 3-only features:
- Texture Shaders using for water-rippling, bump-mapping, sun-reflection
- Environmental Bump-Mapping on Sun-Reflection
- High Polygon vertex-programm skinned T-Rex (25.000 Polygons)
- High Polygonal Vegetation Models
- 3D Grass
- Huge and Dense Terrain !